Kidney | Hydrating Health Infusion
Founder Favorite
Support your detoxifying and hormone-producing kidneys with this herbal-sweet tonic for a myriad of unexpected benefits. With a nourishing effect on the nervous system, relaxation for the lower abdomen which supports the digestive system and menses, as well as anti-inflammatory and circulation supporting effects on the skin, this infusion is a hydrating way to balance the over-hydration and over-supplementation of western health practices.
Founder Favorite
Support your detoxifying and hormone-producing kidneys with this herbal-sweet tonic for a myriad of unexpected benefits. With a nourishing effect on the nervous system, relaxation for the lower abdomen which supports the digestive system and menses, as well as anti-inflammatory and circulation supporting effects on the skin, this infusion is a hydrating way to balance the over-hydration and over-supplementation of western health practices.
Founder Favorite
Support your detoxifying and hormone-producing kidneys with this herbal-sweet tonic for a myriad of unexpected benefits. With a nourishing effect on the nervous system, relaxation for the lower abdomen which supports the digestive system and menses, as well as anti-inflammatory and circulation supporting effects on the skin, this infusion is a hydrating way to balance the over-hydration and over-supplementation of western health practices.
This light and balanced formula (not too oily, not too dry) is also useful in managing UTIs, cystitis, painful urination and general kidney rejuvenation.
Pacify and calm burning sensations and hot flashes with this diuretic, which is delicious hot or chilled.
Avoid this tonic if you suffer from ulcers, excessive heat or aggravated pitta. Large doses may cause headache or dizziness. Use caution during pregnancy.
Uses: general kidney rejuvenation, painful urination, cystitis, burning sensations, hot flashes
Instructions: Use 1 tsp per 1 cup of hot water. Infuse for 3-5 minutes to enjoy hot. Steep for up to 20 minutes for increased herbal potency.
Ingredients:Organic Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum-Fructus (Zingiberaceae), Coriander (Coriandrum sativum-Folium/Semen (Umbelliferae)), Organic Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare-Fructus (Umbelliferae)), Organic Gotu Kola(Centella asiatica-Folium (Apiaceae) Syn. Hydrocotyle asiatica)
Contraindications: Aggravated pitta, ulcers and excessive heat. Large doses can cause headache or dizziness. Caution during pregnancy.
Handcrafted in small batches in Richmond, Virginia.